Ausschreibung 978167: Project Support Partnerships (PSPs) for SECO's Macroeconomic Support

Publiziert am: 21. Juli 2017

State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO

The tender document contains detailed descriptions of general and lot specific tasks.

Auftraggeber: Bund (Zentrale Bundesverwaltung)
Kategorie: Ausschreibung
Sprache: en
Abgabetermin: abgelaufen

Switzerland, SECO priority and complementary countries (changes over the course of the contract dura-tion are possible).

Zeit für Fragen: abgelaufen
  • 75211200: Wirtschaftshilfe an das Ausland
  • nicht spezifiziert
  • nicht spezifiziert
(gemäss Klassifizierung
Lots :
  • Lot 1:

    PEFA and PFM reform strategy: This cluster provides expertise in the broader area of PFM re-forms, and in particular the PEFA methodology and its operational application.

  • Lot 2:

    Domestic revenue mobilization (DRM): This cluster provides expertise in organisational and functional aspects of tax policy and tax administration to support WEMU’s tax reform projects.

  • Lot 3:

    Public sector accounting: This cluster provides expertise in public sector accounting reform and the knowledge of IPSAS, the GFSM and experience in the development of national public sector ac-counting standards.

  • Lot 4:

    Public sector audit: This cluster provides expertise in strengthening public sector audit and knowledge of the International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAI) and the latest devel-opment of public sector audit standards.

  • Lot 5:

    Budget support: This cluster provides expertise on budget support programs and different forms of financial aid and their operational arrangement.

  • Lot 6:

    Debt management: This cluster provides expertise on debt management on its full range of areas, from the upstream area related to policy to downstream areas related to implementation.

  • Lot 7:

    Financial sector development: This cluster provides expertise on financial system legal frameworks, regulation and supervision, capital market development, assistance to Central Banks and financial sector integrity.


Folgender Zeitplan wurde aus den simap-Publikationsdaten erstellt:

Datum Ereignis Kommentar
21. Juli 2017 Publikationsdatum
21. Juli 2017 Ausschreibungsunterlagen verfügbar ab


21. August 2017 Ende Bestellung Ausschreibungsunterlagen
7. August 2017 Frist für Fragen


29. September 2017 Abgabetermin 23:59


2. Oktober 2017 Offertöffnung


1. Dezember 2017 Geplanter Projektstart
30. Dezember 2022 Geplantes Projektende


Aufteilung in Lose Angebote sind für alle Lose möglich

1: PEFA and PFM reform strategy: This cluster provides expertise in the broader area of PFM re-forms, and in particular the PEFA methodology and its operational application.
  • Aufteilung in Lose
  • Angebote sind für alle Lose möglich
  • Projektdauer von 01.12.2017 bis 30.12.2022


Gewichtung Kriterium

2: Domestic revenue mobilization (DRM): This cluster provides expertise in organisational and functional aspects of tax policy and tax administration to support WEMU’s tax reform projects.
  • Aufteilung in Lose
  • Angebote sind für alle Lose möglich
  • Projektdauer von 01.12.2017 bis 30.12.2022


Gewichtung Kriterium

3: Public sector accounting: This cluster provides expertise in public sector accounting reform and the knowledge of IPSAS, the GFSM and experience in the development of national public sector ac-counting standards.
  • Aufteilung in Lose
  • Angebote sind für alle Lose möglich
  • Projektdauer von 01.12.2017 bis 30.12.2022


Gewichtung Kriterium

4: Public sector audit: This cluster provides expertise in strengthening public sector audit and knowledge of the International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAI) and the latest devel-opment of public sector audit standards.
  • Aufteilung in Lose
  • Angebote sind für alle Lose möglich
  • Projektdauer von 01.12.2017 bis 30.12.2022


Gewichtung Kriterium

5: Budget support: This cluster provides expertise on budget support programs and different forms of financial aid and their operational arrangement.
  • Aufteilung in Lose
  • Angebote sind für alle Lose möglich
  • Projektdauer von 01.12.2017 bis 30.12.2022


Gewichtung Kriterium

6: Debt management: This cluster provides expertise on debt management on its full range of areas, from the upstream area related to policy to downstream areas related to implementation.
  • Aufteilung in Lose
  • Angebote sind für alle Lose möglich
  • Projektdauer von 01.12.2017 bis 30.12.2022


Gewichtung Kriterium

7: Financial sector development: This cluster provides expertise on financial system legal frameworks, regulation and supervision, capital market development, assistance to Central Banks and financial sector integrity.
  • Aufteilung in Lose
  • Angebote sind für alle Lose möglich
  • Projektdauer von 01.12.2017 bis 30.12.2022


Gewichtung Kriterium



Participants can submit an offer as (a) a single firm, or (b) a consortium of organizations. If bidders par-ticipate in the procedures as a consortium, they must identify a member of the consortium who performs the lead function (single point of contact). The bidder lists all members and their roles. All members of the consortium together bear responsibility for the bid.


siehe Unterlagen

Geforderte Nachweise:

siehe Unterlagen

Zusätzliche Informationen

Voraussetzungen für Anbieter aus Staaten, die nicht dem WTO-Beschaffungsübereinkommen angehören:



The Swiss Confederation’s General Terms and Conditions (GTC) for Service Contracts shall be deemed accepted by the Contractor on submission of the offer.


remain reserved

Grundsätzliche Anforderungen:

The client only awards public commissions for services in Switzerland to tenderers who comply with job security regulations and the conditions of work for employees, and provide equal payment for men and women. If the service is provided abroad, the bidder must ensure at least compliance with the International Labour Organization’s fundamental conventions in accordance with Annex 2 to of the Federal Ordinance on Public Procurement.
These principles shall be deemed accepted by the Contractor on submission of the offer.


State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO
Holzikofenweg 36
3003 Bern