Zuschlag 1221971: London - Cleaning & Logistics of the Embassy of CH, 01.01.22-31.12.26

Publiziert am: 13. Oktober 2021

Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA Embassy of Switzerland in the United Kingdom

After assessment of all evaluation criteria mentioned in tender document (qualitative criteria and price) the winning tenderer has received the most utility points among all the submitted bids. The offer of the winning tenderer convinced above all regarding:
- AC 1: Long track record of competence acquired over a large number of years.
- AC 2: References for other Embassies.
- AC 3: StarPlus’ engagement in the environment protection is certified and also demonstrated with an accurate selection of products and cleaning techniques.
- AC 4: Detailed and transparent presentation of the budget.

Auftraggeber: Bund (Zentrale Bundesverwaltung)
Kategorie: Zuschlag
Sprache: en
  • 90911000: Wohnungs-, Gebäude- und Fensterreinigung
  • W: Abfall & Entsorgung
  • W: Abfall & Entsorgung
(gemäss Klassifizierung it-beschaffung.ch)
Vergabe: offenes Verfahren
Vorangehende Publikation:
Andere Sprachen:


Gewichtung Kriterium
50% AC 1: Qualifications of the personnel to be deployed
20% AC 2: Quality of the references and proof of confidentiality
10% AC 3: Environment impact certification such as ISO 14001 certification or similar or sustainability policy or similar
20% AC 4: Financial offer – overall price

Berücksichtigte Anbieter

Starplus Cleaning Services Ltd, London, GB
CHF 432,806 exkl. MwSt.

Weitere Informationen

Ausschreibungsorgan: www.simap.ch
Ausschreibung vom: 23.06.2021
Evaluationsdauer: 106 Tage

Datum des Zuschlags:


Anzahl Angebote:



In accordance with Art. 56 PPA an appeal may be lodged in writing with the Federal Administrative Court, P.O. Box, 9023 St Gallen within 20 days of the decision being notified.

Zusätzliche Informationen:



Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA Embassy of Switzerland in the United Kingdom
16-18 Montagu Place
W1H 2BQ London