Ausschreibung 1282861: Ground Support Equipment

Publiziert am: 26. August 2022

Armed Forces Staff (AFS) / armasuisse

Procurement of Ground Support Equipment (GSE) by armasuisse on behalf of the Armed Forces Staff (AFS). The objective of the invitation to tender is to find suitable providers for the service required. The Customer will enter into a procurement contract with the most economically advantageous bidders. This in compliance with all formal criteria, all suitability criteria, all mandatory criteria in the description of services as well as the best degree of fulfilment of the award criteria.

Auftraggeber: Bund (Zentrale Bundesverwaltung)
Kategorie: Ausschreibung
Sprache: en
Abgabetermin: abgelaufen

Zeit für Fragen: abgelaufen
  • 34960000: Flughafengeräte
  • 34969100: Fluggastbrücken für Flugzeuge
  • 34144740: Flugzeugschlepper
  • 34969200: Fluggasttreppen für Flugzeuge
  • V: Fahrzeuge
  • V-V: Fahrzeuge
(gemäss Klassifizierung
Lots :
  • Lot 1:

    Aircraft tractor 180t electric according to Enclosure 2.0, Technical Requirements

  • Lot 2:

    Aircraft tractor 50t diesel according to Enclosure 2.0, Technical Requirements

  • Lot 3:

    Conveyor belt loader according to Enclosure 2.0, Technical Requirements

  • Lot 4:

    Passenger step according to Enclosure 2.0, Technical Requirements


Folgender Zeitplan wurde aus den simap-Publikationsdaten erstellt:

Datum Ereignis Kommentar
26. August 2022 Publikationsdatum
None Ausschreibungsunterlagen verfügbar ab

The documents can be downloaded from the electronic platform, category "Public Procurement, Federal Invitation to tender". To do this, you first have to register in the above-mentioned project and can then download, using login and password, the desired documents sent to you by E-Mail. A question forum is at your disposal

28. September 2022 Frist für Fragen

If queries arise while preparing the tender, they must be submitted by means of an anonymous forum entry to the question forum at A separate forum entry must be created for each question (one question per entry). The questions will be answered in the question forum. All questions and answers can be viewed by all bidders who have received the tender documentation. It is the responsibility of bidders to keep themselves informed of any entries in the question forum.

5. Oktober 2022 Abgabetermin 00:00

Place of submission: cf. 1.2.
The following must be observed in order to meet the submission deadline:

a) For submission to armasuisse (administration centre Guisanplatz 1)
The following points must be observed when handing in the goods at "Verwaltungszentrum Guisanplatz 1", Guisanplatz 1, 3003 Bern, at the attention of CC WTO armasuisse:

•The provider must register at "Areal Lodge Guisanplatz 1" stating the project title (cf. section 1.2). It will be forwarded by the latter to the "Ramp Management Guisanplatz 1".
•The submission must be made by 15.00 hours at the latest on the submission date mentioned under item 1.4 against issuance of a receipt confirmation of the ramp management.
•Opening hours of the ramp management: Mo - Fr 07.00 - 12.00 h / 13.00 - 15.00 h (outside these hours no offer can be made).

b) For submission by post:
The postmark or barcode receipt of the shipping service provider shall be authoritative (company frankings shall not be deemed postmarks).

c) For delivery to a diplomatic or consular representation of Switzerland:
The acknowledgement of receipt from the relevant representative shall be decisive. The acknowledgement of receipt must be sent to the e-mail address specified in section 1.2 by the latest by the deadline for submission of the offer, stating the project in question.


Place of submission: cf. 1.2.
The following must be observed in order to meet the submission deadline:

a) For submission to armasuisse (administration centre Guisanplatz 1)
The following points must be observed when handing in the goods at "Verwaltungszentrum Guisanplatz 1", Guisanplatz 1, 3003 Bern, at the attention of CC WTO armasuisse:

•The provider must register at "Areal Lodge Guisanplatz 1" stating the project title (cf. section 1.2). It will be forwarded by the latter to the "Ramp Management Guisanplatz 1".
•The submission must be made by 15.00 hours at the latest on the submission date mentioned under item 1.4 against issuance of a receipt confirmation of the ramp management.
•Opening hours of the ramp management: Mo - Fr 07.00 - 12.00 h / 13.00 - 15.00 h (outside these hours no offer can be made).

b) For submission by post:
The postmark or barcode receipt of the shipping service provider shall be authoritative (company frankings shall not be deemed postmarks).

c) For delivery to a diplomatic or consular representation of Switzerland:
The acknowledgement of receipt from the relevant representative shall be decisive. The acknowledgement of receipt must be sent to the e-mail address specified in section 1.2 by the latest by the deadline for submission of the offer, stating the project in question.

1. Mai 2023 Geplanter Projektstart
30. April 2028 Geplantes Projektende


Aufteilung in Lose Angebote sind für alle Lose möglich

1: Aircraft tractor 180t electric according to Enclosure 2.0, Technical Requirements
  • Aufteilung in Lose
  • Angebote sind für alle Lose möglich
  • According to the documents
  • Projektdauer von 01.05.2023 bis 30.04.2028
  • Auftrag kann verlängert werden.
  • Bemerkung:

    The Customer has the option of extended the contract by two plus two years


Gewichtung Kriterium
40% Price
60% Quality

2: Aircraft tractor 50t diesel according to Enclosure 2.0, Technical Requirements
  • Aufteilung in Lose
  • Angebote sind für alle Lose möglich
  • According to the documents
  • Projektdauer von 01.05.2023 bis 30.04.2028
  • Auftrag kann verlängert werden.
  • Bemerkung:

    The Customer has the option of extended the contract by two plus two years


Gewichtung Kriterium
40% Price
60% Quality

3: Conveyor belt loader according to Enclosure 2.0, Technical Requirements
  • Aufteilung in Lose
  • Angebote sind für alle Lose möglich
  • According to the documents
  • Projektdauer von 01.05.2023 bis 30.04.2028
  • Auftrag kann verlängert werden.
  • Bemerkung:

    The Customer has the option of extended the contract by two plus two years.


Gewichtung Kriterium
40% Price
60% Quality

4: Passenger step according to Enclosure 2.0, Technical Requirements
  • Aufteilung in Lose
  • Angebote sind für alle Lose möglich
  • According to the documents
  • Projektdauer von 01.05.2023 bis 30.04.2028
  • Auftrag kann verlängert werden.
  • Bemerkung:

    The Customer has the option of extended the contract by two plus two years.


Gewichtung Kriterium
40% Price
60% Quality



If the Applicant is taking part in the tender procedure as a bidding consortium, it must name the enterprise that will be assuming overall control (including representation and coordination).
The Applicant must list all of the parties involved in the bidding consortium and specify their assigned roles.
Should there be a change in the overall control during the tender procedure, this change must be communicated to the contracting authority immediately in writing at the address specified in Section 6.1.
Multiple applications by applicants in bidding consortia are not permitted.


All companies that possess the economic capacity and meet the following suitability criteria and can provide supporting evidence in accordance with point 3.8 are called upon to submit a bid in CHF.

Geforderte Nachweise:

When the tender is submitted, the suitability criteria and required supporting evidence listed below must be confirmed, appended, and substantiated in full without any reservations or modifications; otherwise the bid will not be considered.

E1a)Compliance with procedural principles
The Applicant confirms that it and the third parties it has called on (subcontractors and sub-suppliers) will comply with the procedural principles in accordance with the self-declaration sheet (Enclosure 1.1.1) of the Swiss Federation’s Federal Procurement Conference (FPC).
b)Additional evidence of compliance with the regulations on equal pay for men and women
Applicants with 100 employees or more and their first-level subcontractors who have 100 or more employees must also provide evidence in addition to the self-declaration sheet on how their salary practice has been reviewed and how the tolerance threshold of 5% applied in purchasing functions is adhered to.

E2Supplier self-declaration

E3Extract from the debt collection register and excerpt from the commercial register
Extract from the debt collection register and excerpt from the commercial register or the equivalent recognised document from other countries which provide evidence that the Applicant does not have any tax debts and has paid the full amount for social security contributions (not older than 3 months – the effective entry date is decisive).

E4Overall responsibility
The Applicant confirms that it will assume overall responsibility, i.e. in particular that the Applicant is the sole contractual partner of the contracting authority. Any parties involved must be listed together with their assigned roles and functions in Enclosure 1.1.

E5SPoC during the tender procedure
Evidence of a single contact address (single point of contact (SPOC) during the tender procedure.
The Applicant confirms that it will hold and submit all correspondence, negotiations, contracts and other documents in German. Exception: Technical documents, data sheets and reports in English are acceptable.

E6Contact person for business processing
Evidence of a unique contact address (SPOC = single point of contact ()) for all future business transactions.
The Applicant confirms that it will hold and submit all correspondence and documents in German. Exception: Technical documents, data sheets and reports in English are acceptable.
Limitation expert discussions
Expert discussions can be held in German or in English.

E7Conclusion of procurement contract (non-negotiable articles)
The Applicant confirms that it will accept non-negotiable articles of the procurement contract for the procurement of the described delivery parts/GSE unconditionally.

E8Delivery capacity
The Applicant confirms that it will deliver the required quantities according to the functional specifications (number of items of the basic contract). In the event of non-compliance within the specified time frame, the contractual penalty remains reserved.

Confirmation that the systems of the basic contract will be delivered by the Applicant to up to three (3) locations in Switzerland (CH-Payerne, CH-Meiringen and CH-Emmen).

The Applicant or the product manufacturer (OEM) confirms that they will comply with the specifications listed in the QIAS (Quality Inspection and Acceptance Specification) (see Enclosure 4.1).

E11Configuration management
The Applicant confirms that it will make the necessary provisions so that changes in the modules or components are identified and communicated to armasuisse within 4 weeks on a proactive basis.

E12Obsolescence management
The Applicant confirms that if subsystems, modules, components or ordered accessories become obsolete and/or can no longer be delivered, to communicate this in good time and on a proactive basis to the Customer. Appropriate measures must be proposed (last time buy or alternatives according to the principle fit-form-function).

E13Environmental protection
The Applicant confirms that it will comply with the national legislation for all areas of environmental protection (air, water, etc.) in all process steps of the offering supplier/product manufacturer.

E14Technical Requirements
The Applicant confirms that all the delivery parts listed in the functional specifications fulfil the technical requirements specified in Enclosure 2.0 and classified as mandatory criteria.

In the first level of the tender procedure, the Applicant must provide at least two references to whom GSEs have been supplied by the Applicant since January 2016.
The number of items must correspond to at least 2 per order.
The configuration of the delivered products must be the same or similar to the product specified in Enclosure 2.0. The vehicle weight and the performance data must be similar (± 20 %) to the requested product. An electric drive is not essential in the references.
Different references must be specified. The specification of 2x armasuisse references (example) will be assessed as one (1) reference.
The references must include a base used by the military, an airport used by the Armed Forces/Air Force or a civilian airport from which intercontinental flights take off or land on a daily basis.
Companies who have specialised in the manufacture/production, service or repair of aircraft are also admissible as a reference.

E16Service point
The Applicant confirms that it has at least one (1) service point in Switzerland or abroad which is capable and legitimised to perform diagnoses, repairs and services on the systems at the operational location.
The service point must be able to reach the locations CH-Payerne, CH-Meiringen or CH-Emmen by car or van within a maximum of 48 hours from the time of assignment.
Ascertainment: The specified time covers the time from contact at the service point (phone call) to arrival at the locations specified.
Limitation: Required replacement material can be sent by the Applicant or their sub-suppliers directly to the locations specified.

E17Delivery time of spare parts – classes A and B
The Applicant confirms that spare parts of classes A and B can be delivered within 96 hours from the time of ordering to the locations CH-Payerne, CH-Meiringen and CH-Emmen.

Limitation: The categorisation of the ABC classes is based on internal specifications on the part of the Applicant.
E18Spare parts guarantee with focus on availability
The Applicant guarantees the availability of spare parts from at least 10 years after acceptance of the vehicles.

E19Service Level Agreement
The Applicant confirms that it will agree the modalities for maintenance and repair with the Customer and conclude a Service Level Agreement.

E20Authorisation for service and repair work and training technical staff
The Applicant authorises the Armed Forces Logistics Organisation (AFLO) to have all accruing service, diagnostic and maintenance work performed by trained technical staff. This also applies for work which is performed in the material guarantee phase.
The technical staff must be trained by the Applicant.
Limitation: Self-contained modules or components or modules and components explicitly named by the Applicant, such as electronics, batteries or control units are excluded from this authorisation.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Voraussetzungen für Anbieter aus Staaten, die nicht dem WTO-Beschaffungsübereinkommen angehören:




Grundsätzliche Anforderungen:

The contractor shall award this contract only to bidders who comply with the conditions stipulated in the tender documents and the legislation, in particular occupational health and safety regulations, rules on working conditions, equal pay regulations, as well as environmental law, competition law and anti-corruption provisions.


In accordance with Article 56 paragraph 1 of the Public Procurement Act (PPA), a written appeal against this decision can be lodged with the Federal Administrative Court, P.O. Box, 9023 St. Gallen, Switzerland, within 20 days of notification. Any appeal is to be submitted in duplicate and must include what is being sought, the grounds for appeal, evidence and the signature of the person lodging the appeal or his or her representative. A copy of this decision and available evidence must be included.
The provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) on legal holidays do not apply in accordance with Article 56 paragraph 2 of the PPA. Based on Article 52 paragraph 2 of the PPA, the appeal can be used only to establish that this decision violates federal law, but not to apply for its cancellation. Foreign providers are permitted to appeal only to the extent that the state in which they are domiciled grants reciprocal rights.


Armed Forces Staff (AFS) / armasuisse
Guisanplatz 1
3003 Bern

Link und Bestellung Unterlagen auf simap : 1282861 Ground Support Equipment