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  • Zusammenfassung: Swissgrid AG

    Meter Data Collector (MDC)

    25. Februar 2020: Even before Swissgrid was founded, meters on the boundaries of the Swiss transmission grid were read using a MDC (meter data collector). Since 2014 the MDC has been integrated into Swissgrid's central energy data management system (EDM). The meter data read out results are written directly into the EDM database. Plausibility checks and aggregations are performed in a separate module. …

  • Zusammenfassung: Swissgrid AG

    Implementation Short Term Adequacy (STA) Application

    22. November 2019: Transmission System Operators (TSOs) within ENTSO-E have decided to implement a higher level of coordination among TSOs for operating the European transmission system. Five services have been introduced to be the focus projects for Regional Security Coordinators (RSCs) and TSOs. One of the services is “Short Term Adequacy (STA)”. STA is a week-ahead adequacy assessment which detects, warns and proposes …